How to Make the Most of Your Group Classes or Personal Training Sessions at Live4Today Studio
You are spending valuable time and money on your journey to better health. I want you to see amazing results, but you need to WORK for it! Here’s how:
- Set Reasonable Goals & Stay Focused!
It is important to know where you’re at and where you want to be. You can set short-term goals or a longer-term goal, but make sure to celebrate all of the little milestones along the way. A loss is a loss, no matter how small. Muscle gain is strength built, no matter how little. I am proud of every accomplishment that you work for and you should be too.
- Show up! And, show up on time.
This is your time. Make the most of it by being ready to go at the beginning of the session. Try to get in 5 minutes early so you have time to get your shoes on, put your water away, say hello to the rest of group, etc. so that you are READY at go-time.
- Be positive!
Try to wipe “no” from your vocabulary in these sessions. If you think you can’t do something, say instead “I have an old injury, can I do it a different way?”, or “I need a lighter weight to start.”
- LISTEN! Trust your Trainer.
You have chosen Live4Today for a reason. It’s great to ask questions, ask for help, or give positive input, but please reap the benefit of years of education & experience by listening, following along, and trusting.
“If at first you don’t succeed- try doing what your trainer told you to do in the first place!”
- Sleep!
Did you know that regularly getting a good night’s sleep is associated with a longer life, better memory, optimal attention, & learning, lower blood pressure, and more successful weight loss? Among the many other benefits, these should be reason enough to put down that phone and turn out the lights!
- Be Honest!
Your trainer is not a mind reader. Be honest about what you’re willing to do, what you’re able to do, and any health issues that may affect your training plan. Don’t cheat on your food/activity log, you’re only cheating yourself. Share how you’re feeling, where you’re at with goals and motivation, and what you need. Help me help you!
- Eat Well!
No amount of exercise can make up for a terrible diet. Clean out your pantry, get rid of the junk and temptation, and start fresh if you need to. I am here to help you – ask questions, join a Wellness Journey, Bootcamp, or Reshape Me group and learn about proper nutrition and what your body needs to power you through those workouts.
- Give it your all!
What you put in is what you get out of it. That’s all there is to say about that!